Member-only story
"The 'Healing Secrets' of Green Plants and Fresh Air Are Revealed by Nature."
This is a treatment by Nature to cover all shades of color that have been under the roof of man since time immemorial.
The consolation given by it to humankind for recreation or leisure. Into such a facade-it is, for nature has so blessed humankind with such green therapy-gardens-nature sometimes a little hard with one hand-but with the other, always merciful and forgiving to give healing. So, going through this tangent further, we would perhaps carry through an entry via one door and exit through the other-that of nature's green and that of freeness.
Hence, we consider this an interface between the matter of science-giving serviceability to the activation measure in making this work real in life.
What Green Plants Can Do for Health
Green plants, by nature, purify the air. Green plants occupy our atmosphere to suck in and circulate among various toxins, impurities and foul matter-all of which work to the drawback of falling quality of ambiance.
2.Stress Buster: